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Check out these expert insights into gold, silver, IRAs, 401ks, and precious metals.

Have We Reached Peak Gold?

Have We Reached Peak Gold?

Chances are you have heard the term “peak gold.”  But what does peak gold mean?  In simple terms, it means the world’s gold mines have reached the largest annual production possible. After that point, the theory goes, production will dwindle until all the gold in the...

Are You Ready for the Truth About the US Dollar?

Are You Ready for the Truth About the US Dollar?

For every serious investor, a moment of truth arrives when it’s time to choose:  Do you hold on to a flagging asset? Or cut your losses and make a swift shift into a more stable asset?  For those tracking the US dollar, this may be one of those moments. Because right...

The Great Gold Rush of 2024!

The Great Gold Rush of 2024!

At this point, gold’s historic performance is impossible to ignore.  In the last 6 weeks, gold zoomed past not one, two or even ten price records…  Gold has scored to FIFTEEN all-time highs… so far.  And Barron’s says gold prices are “about to shoot even higher.”  As...

Do You Have Enough Non-Debt Money?

Do You Have Enough Non-Debt Money?

Intro by Daniel Iversen Billionaire investor and Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio famously said, “If you don’t own gold, you know neither history nor economics.”  Now, in a revealing article penned for LinkedIn, Dalio reveals how markets really work, why central banks...

New “Anti-Surveillance” Bill Joins Battle to Block CBDCs 

New “Anti-Surveillance” Bill Joins Battle to Block CBDCs 

On February 26, 2024, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced his version of Representative Tom Emmer’s (R-MN) 2023 “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.”  This is Senator Cruz’s third piece of anti-CBDC legislation. And if passed, the law would “amend the Federal Reserve Act...

The Truth About Inflation

The Truth About Inflation

Remember this?  Back in June 2021, several Federal Reserve and Biden administration officials claimed inflation and soaring prices were “transitory.”  Goldman Sachs says gold could hit $2,700 per ounce. Bank of America says $3,000 is possible. And UBS says gold could...

Analysts Raise Forecasts as Gold Soars to All-Time Highs

Analysts Raise Forecasts as Gold Soars to All-Time Highs

For months, we’ve predicted a massive rally for gold.   Now, it’s here. Gold is hitting multiple record highs, and analysts are raising their forecasts through the roof.  Goldman Sachs says gold could hit $2,700 per ounce. Bank of America says $3,000 is possible. And...

Do You Have Enough Non-Debt Money?

Do You Have Enough Non-Debt Money?

Intro by Daniel Iversen Billionaire investor and Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio famously said, “If you don’t own gold, you know neither history nor economics.”  Now, in a revealing article penned for LinkedIn, Dalio reveals how markets really work, why central banks...

The Great Gold Rush of 2024!

The Great Gold Rush of 2024!

At this point, gold’s historic performance is impossible to ignore.  In the last 6 weeks, gold zoomed past not one, two or even ten price records…  Gold has scored to FOURTEEN all-time highs… so far.  And Barron’s says gold prices are “about to shoot even higher.”  As...

Radical Sound Money Movement Gains Traction in Most US States

Radical Sound Money Movement Gains Traction in Most US States

Idaho introduced a bill to make gold and silver coins legal tender in the state…  Wisconsin cancelled its sales tax on gold…  And Louisiana is considering a bill that would give citizens access to gold-backed debit cards.  These pieces of 2024 legislations are part of...

Higher for Longer

Higher for Longer

During last Wednesday’s FOMC meeting, the Fed chose to keep the benchmark interest rate high.  And Fed Chief Powell suggested three rate cuts may still be on the table in 2024, possibly starting in June.  These potential rate cuts may supply a major tailwind for gold...

America’s Economy Exposed

America’s Economy Exposed

On the surface, the US economy looks like it’s improving.  Inflation has slowed, job reports are encouraging, and Washington says everything is looking up.  But despite the glowing reports, economic trouble is brewing in crucial financial sectors.   Starting with an...

Will Gold’s Record-High Rally Continue?

Will Gold’s Record-High Rally Continue?

Gold skyrocketed to an all-time high of $2,195 per ounce last Friday.  And many gold owners who’ve seen how gold tends to perform during times of economic turmoil were ready because they remembered…  Gold gained after the 2000 dot-com crash—rising almost 60% by 2004… ...

Why American Investors Are Watching the Gold-to-Silver Ratio

Why American Investors Are Watching the Gold-to-Silver Ratio

The most popular investing search term in the United States according to Google isn’t real estate, natural gas, oil or even stocks right now…  It’s gold.  In second place?   Silver.  Most investors know gold tends to rise in uncertain economic times.   And with so...

The Fed’s Dilemma

The Fed’s Dilemma

After years of ultra-low interest rates, runaway money printing and reckless deficit spending, the Fed s facing a serious dilemma.  Servicing the nation’s debt is growing more and more difficult… if not impossible.  The more they borrow, print and spend to help ease...

3 Common Misconceptions About Gold

3 Common Misconceptions About Gold

The internet is awash with a murky mix of good advice, a few half-truths and a whole heap of nonsense about gold.   And for anyone considering gold for the first time, sorting fact from fiction can be a challenging task.   So today, let’s clear up 3 of the most common...

Analysts Say SILVER Set to Soar in 2024

Analysts Say SILVER Set to Soar in 2024

Analysts say silver may soar in 2024.  JPMorgan forecasts the precious metal will reach $26 an ounce by midyear and jump to a 10-year high of $30 an ounce by 2025.   Michael DiRienzo, executive director for the Silver Institute, also forecasts fresh highs in the...

Powell’s Pause Draws Critics But Could Be Good for Gold

Powell’s Pause Draws Critics But Could Be Good for Gold

Last Sunday, Fed Chief Jerome Powell answered some tough questions on CBS’s 60 minutes.  When asked if the rising national debt is a danger to the economy, Powell responded: “The US federal government’s on an unstainable fiscal path. And that just means the debt is...

The Time to Fortify Your Financial Legacy with Gold Is NOW

The Time to Fortify Your Financial Legacy with Gold Is NOW

If all your wealth is held in US dollars and dollar-denominated assets, now is the time to fortify your financial legacy with gold.  Because despite Washington’s efforts to strengthen the US economy…  Our nation’s financial problems are only growing.  The...

US Dollar Battles BRICS in Reserve Currency Showdown  

For almost 80 years, the US dollar has reigned supreme as the world’s reserve currency.   And its dominance has gone mostly unchallenged.  But times are changing fast.  Now, the US dollar must defend its status, because….  The BRICS nations—which include Brazil,...