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Check out these expert insights into gold, silver, IRAs, 401ks, and precious metals.

Why Washington’s Spending Problem Is Good News for Gold Owners

Why Washington’s Spending Problem Is Good News for Gold Owners

2024 started with a bang, but not the kind Washington wanted.  Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act—a centerpiece of the Administration’s new economic strategy—was supposed to trim the deficit.  The plan was a bold policy attempt with a mix of tax tweaks and green energy...

Soft Landing or Financial Storm for 2024?

Soft Landing or Financial Storm for 2024?

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has declared victory for the Fed.  In a CNN interview last Friday, she announced a “soft landing” for the economy—a scenario once considered only “possible.”   And she may be right.   After all, the Fed’s 11 steep rate hikes cooled...

Washington Considers Russian Asset Seizure to Cover Ukraine Aid

Washington Considers Russian Asset Seizure to Cover Ukraine Aid

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Washington levied sweeping sanctions against Moscow.   Now, Washington is investigating legal ways to seize $300 billion of frozen Russian assets to help fund their Ukraine support efforts.  Nobel Prize–winning Yale economist...

6 Potential Catalysts for Record-High Gold Prices in 2024

6 Potential Catalysts for Record-High Gold Prices in 2024

Gold’s remarkable ascent to an all-time high of $2,152 per ounce in December 2023 was driven by a mix of economic and geopolitical reasons.   As we head into 2024, here are 6 catalysts that may help push gold to a new record high:  Catalyst #1: Fed Pivot On December...

Gold’s Record-Breaking Year in Review

Gold’s Record-Breaking Year in Review

What a year for gold!  The precious metal leapt out of the gate at $1,824 per ounce in January, possibly bolstered by tailwinds from continued inflation pressures, Fed rate hikes and colossal central bank buying in 2022.   As you may recall, inflation reached a...

Will America Face a Debt Crisis in 2024? 

Will America Face a Debt Crisis in 2024? 

$33,900,000,000,000… The US national debt is soaring past $33 trillion — a number so big a stack of $100 bills would reach more than 24,000 miles high.  And according to the Peterson Foundation:  $33 trillion is roughly the economic value of China, Japan, Germany,...

Will Gold’s Record-High Rally Continue?

Will Gold’s Record-High Rally Continue?

  Well, we’ve been talking about when and why it would happen… Gold prices soared to a record high of over $2,100 per ounce on Sunday, Dec 3. This marks a 14% gain for gold prices in 2023 – with a 4% jump in the last week alone. At the time of this writing, spot...

The Central Bank Bullion Binge Continues

The Central Bank Bullion Binge Continues

As 2023 winds down, the world’s “smartest money” is hoovering and hoarding gold at the fastest pace since 1967.  According to the World Gold Council (WGC), global central banks bought another 800 tons of gold in the first 9 months of this year — a 14% increase...

Let’s Give Thanks for Gold

Let’s Give Thanks for Gold

As we enter the final weeks of 2023, the nation’s economic outlook remains uncertain.  America is still grappling with severe financial challenges, including but not limited to:  Surging living costs, a mortgage affordability crisis, a potentially unstable banking...

Is Gold Poised to Soar in 2024?

Is Gold Poised to Soar in 2024?

In September 2023, CBS News said, “there are reasons to believe [gold] could break $2,000 again.”  Shortly thereafter, gold started heading north…   And on October 27th, a rush of diversification buying triggered by news of tensions in the Middle East pushed gold...

When These Financial Experts Talk, Do People  Listen?

When These Financial Experts Talk, Do People  Listen?

  You might not be old enough to remember this, but…  Back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, an investment firm called “EF Hutton” ran non-stop commercials where one person shares his broker’s advice with a friend and asks, “What’s your broker say?”  The friend...

America’s Biggest Banks Shutter Thousands of Regional Branches

America’s Biggest Banks Shutter Thousands of Regional Branches

  The nation’s biggest banks have been quietly closing regional branches and cutting thousands of jobs.   3,000 branches were shuttered last year. Now, according to Kiplinger, “Banks are closing branches faster than they’re opening new ones.”  In October 2023 alone,...

The Inverted Pyramid of Risk

The Inverted Pyramid of Risk

  As the nation faces growing economic uncertainty, the quest for a stable financial future has never felt more urgent for many Americans.   But with so many economic challenges happening at once, charting a confident path to wealth protection can seem like a daunting...

The Economic Implications Behind Costco’s Shocking Gold Rush 

The Economic Implications Behind Costco’s Shocking Gold Rush 

  America’s favorite wholesale megastore — famous for offering everything from toilet paper to swimming pools — has entered the gold market.  Costco is suddenly selling 1 oz 24k gold bars online, and they’re flying off the shelves.  Executive vice president and chief...

Why I Own Gold

Why I Own Gold

  It should come as no surprise that precious metals make up a very high ratio of my personal savings, and I believe wholeheartedly in their benefits. After all, I co-founded Gold Alliance, and I’m its CEO. If I didn’t believe in the virtues of gold, silver, and other...

Higher For Longer? Fed Caught in Rate Hike Catch-22

Higher For Longer? Fed Caught in Rate Hike Catch-22

In early 2020, the Fed’s benchmark interest rates hovered near zero, and inflation was 1.06 percent.  By March 16, 2022, the highest inflation in 40 years had gripped the nation, and the Fed started raising rates to tamp it down.  Now, after 11 rate hikes in 18...

US Senators Introduce Extraordinary Legislation to “Rein in the Fed”

US Senators Introduce Extraordinary Legislation to “Rein in the Fed”

  On September 18, 2023, the day before the Federal Open Market Committee meeting, Senator Rick Scott sent letters to three of the recently confirmed Federal Reserve Board of Governors members, asking for their commitment “to fix the Federal Reserve’s misguided path...

Is the US Economy Headed for a “Wile E. Coyote” Moment?

Is the US Economy Headed for a “Wile E. Coyote” Moment?

  In March 2023, former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers famously said America may be facing a “Wile E. Coyote” moment — where the economy has run off the cliff without realizing it and is headed for a hard landing.   Around the same time, JP Morgan warned the economy...